Terms & Conditions

Privacy Statement

Our Centre maintains records of children’s attendance, health, family financial matters, such as fee payments, and the developmental records of each child as required by ACECQA or relevant state representative legislative requirements. All information is confidential and is only available to parents/guardians of the child/ren concerned, and at the request of ACECQA, its relevant state representatives and The Department of Human Services. Special requirement records will be kept, if notified by a parent/guardian, which may relate to a child’s culture or religion or if the child has a disability or other special need. The specific needs of all children will be recorded.

Paisley Park encourages the involvement of Students from various Early Childhood Learning institutions, including Universities and TAFE’s. Students will become involved in observing your children and if this is to happen permission from parents will be requested in the first instance.

Enrolment Fee/Waitlist Fee

All new enrolments and waiting list applicants are required to pay a $100 holding fee. This $100 is to secure your position on the waiting list at the Centre. Upon commencement of enrolment, this enrolment fee will be deducted from the Holding Deposit. If enrolment is not commenced by you, the $100 is not refundable, except where we are unable to offer you a position after twelve months of you being placed on our waiting list.

Minimum Enrolment Period

All enrolments at Paisley Park Early Learning Centres are for a minimum period of three (3) months. 

NOTE: The preferred days of care selected may be changed by Paisley Park with 48 hours’ notice to an alternate day/s in accordance with Federal Government Priority of Access guidelines.

Priority of Access

Enrolling parents agree to follow the Federal Government Priority of Access Guidelines set out by the Australian Government (refer to Parent Handbook and/or Priority of Access Policy).

Holding Deposit/Bond

A holding deposit of two weeks’ fees for each child is payable upon enrolment. This will be held on your account as a Bond and refunded to your account within approximately three (3) weeks upon termination of placement after the final day of attendance with a final account statement allowing for adjustment of CCS that the government may require. If accounts fall into arrears and require the use of the holding deposit to cover fees, care may be refused until such times as accounts are brought into line with our conditions of enrolment.

Fees in Advance

Fees must be paid two (2) weeks in advance at all times. This must initially be paid by Direct Debit prior to commencement at the Centre, and then via Direct Debit thereafter. If fees fall into arrears your child may lose his/her position.

Payment of Fees

All fees once a child is enrolled are to be made via CentrePay, Direct Debit or Credit Card. Enrolling parents/guardians must provide Direct Debit or Credit Card form prior to commencement. If fees fall into arrears the child may lose his/her position.

Valid CRN Required for CCS

To be able to claim Childcare Subsidy (CCS) from the government, enrolling parents must provide a valid Customer Reference Number (CRN) from Centrelink. Until a valid CRN is provided, full fees will be payable. If two parent/guardians will each be claiming their own CCS for a child, each parent must complete a separate Enrolment for that child.

Late Fees

Enrolling parents acknowledge that:

  • If a child is collected after the agreed collection time but before the Centre closing time, $10 for the first 10 minutes or part thereof and for every additional minute $5 per minute will be charged. This is to be paid as an “on the spot fee”.
  • If a child is collected after the Centre closing time, $2 per minute for the first ten (10) minutes past the official Centre closing time, then $10 per minute for every minute thereafter will apply. This is to be paid as an “on the spot fee”.

Administration Fee

There is an administration fee of $70. This fee is payable at the discretion of the Centre in any instance where additional charges are incurred as a result of non-payment or late payment of fees, or for any other reason where additional administration costs are incurred as a result of failure to abide by these terms and conditions.

Absent Days

Public holidays, sick days and any other days a child is absent must be paid for. Please note that the Family Assistance Office will only allocate 42 allowable absences per calendar year before Child Care Benefits will be dependent on medical certificate provided to the Centre.

Change of Days

Two (2) weeks’ written notice must be given if a family requires additional days or is changing / reducing the days their child currently attends. A request for additional days or a permanent change of days of attendance is not effective until approved by the Centre Director.  Extra days are subject to availability and Federal Government Priority of Access Guidelines.

Holiday Discount

A 20% discount will be applied to the entire fee for each day on holidays for up to two weeks at the child’s regular attendance pattern. For example, if a child attends 2 days per week, then 4 days at the discounted rate is allowed (2 days multiplied by 2 weeks = 4 days). Accounts must be current (fees must be up to date) for discount to apply.

A Holiday Discount Form must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the holiday being taken. A discount can only be applied for a maximum of two weeks per financial year (1 July to 30 June) based on a child’s regular attending pattern.

When enrolling at Paisley Park, families agree and accept that they cannot cease their enrolment to take a holiday, with the expectation that their child’s position will be ‘held’ while they are away. Fees must continue to be paid regardless of your child’s absence.

Withdrawal from Centre

Four (4) weeks written notice must be given if our child is leaving the Centre. No other form of notice will be accepted. Any refund of fees (if applicable) will be refunded to your account within approximately three (3) weeks after the final day of attendance with a final account statement allowing for adjustment of CCS that the government may require.


If a child is not immunised due to personal preference or is not due for such vaccination, exclusion periods will apply during outbreak of infectious disease until clearance has been given for the child to re-attend care. During this time all fees will still be payable.

Note: The Social Services Legislation Amendment (No Jab, No Pay) Act 2015 is legislation in force from 1 January 2016. This legislation removes parents’ rights to be either religious or conscientious objectors to vaccination for the purposes of certain benefits and rebates. Parents who do not follow the Australian Childhood Immunisation Schedule on time, will be unable to claim any Childcare Subsidies. Proof of Immunisation must be provided upon enrolment (Immunisation History Statement) – without proof, enrolment cannot take place.


In the event of any emergency, illness or accident concerning their child, enrolling parents/guardians give permission for the staff at the Centre to seek medical or hospital attention for their child. Also enrolling parents/guardians, agree that if every reasonable effort to contact parents/authorised persons has failed and the emergency medical practitioner considers medication, an anaesthetic or minor surgery to be necessary, the practitioner has permission to administer same.


Enrolling parents give permission for the staff at Paisley Park in the event of an emergency to call an ambulance for their child and accept responsibility for any ambulance and/or medical expenses which may be incurred while their child is at the Centre.


In emergency situations it may be deemed appropriate for staff at Paisley Park to administer medicines such as paracetamol, Ventolin, antihistamine, EpiPen and/or a prescribed medication. Wherever possible, the administration of any such medicines would take place with parent/authorised person permission, in writing.

Enrolling parents/guardians acknowledge and accept that in situations where Paisley Park cannot make contact with them to seek written permission, Paisley Park staff may be advised by emergency personnel to administer medicines without written consent.

Child Protection

Service staff and personnel will make a report to the appropriate authorities if they suspect that any child at the Centre has experienced or is experiencing physical, sexual or emotional harm or is at significant risk of experiencing physical, sexual or emotional harm or neglect as a result of parent/guardian action or inaction.


Sunscreen is to be applied to child/ren by parents/guardians upon arrival at the Centre and parents/guardians are to advise staff that this has been done prior to dropping the child/ren off. Enrolling parents/guardians give permission for the staff at Paisley Park to apply Cancer Council approved sunscreen to their child when needed.

Media and Communications Consent

Paisley Park utilises many documentation methods to record children’s learning, communicate our approach to Early Learning via various Centre activities, both internally as well as in social media, brochures and our website. This may include photographs, video and audio recordings. First names and/or surnames may be shared within our family communications channels only for enrolled families inside the Centre. This applies to all children that attend our services, with the exception of any children subject to relevant court orders, or where legislation requires us to not use such methods.

Accordingly, enrolling parents/guardians authorise Paisley Park to:

  • use observational analysis and images of the child in Daily Reflections and Individual Portfolios and Developmental Summaries for quality assessment purposes published on Paisley Park’s communications app for enrolled families.
  • display within the Centre the child’s date of birth on a birthday chart / calendar and the child’s name on a locker tag and/or bed tag
  • use Images / Audio / Video recordings of the child in / on:
    • Documentation within the Centre, e.g. notice boards, play activities, displays
    • “School” photos
    • Parent newsletters
    • The Paisley Park website
    • Social media platforms
    • Marketing materials

Enrolling parents/guardians understand and acknowledge that some Paisley Park Centres are fitted with video surveillance cameras (CCTV) which monitor activity at the Centre in play rooms, playgrounds, corridors and stairways for security and safety purposes. In a child’s ‘normal’ activity they may appear in recorded surveillance. Any CCTV footage is utilised for security and compliance purposes only.

Cultural Events & Learning

Enrolling parents/guardians give permission for their child to participate in cultural events at Paisley Park according to the Paisley Park Calendar of Events.


Enrolling parents/guardians understand that allocated parking is the only acceptable form of arrival/departure at the Centre. Enrolling parents/guardians understand that they must hold their child’s hand whilst moving to and from the parking area.

Policies and Procedures

Paisley Park’s policies and procedures are reviewed annually and spontaneously and are subject to change throughout the course of enrolment. Enrolling parents/guardians will abide by any rules, regulations, policies and procedures of the Centre.

Parent Handbook

Enrolling parents/guardians acknowledge that they have read, understand, and agree with the contents, as it is contained within the Parent Handbook, knowing that copies are available to them at any time at the Centre. Enrolling parents/guardians understand that the handbook is a supplement to Paisley Park’s policies and its contents do not override any of Paisley Park’s published policies nor the contents of these terms and conditions. Link to handbook: https://go.fliplink.me/view/paisleypark-handbook.

Feedback, Complaints and Grievances Process:

Enrolling parents/guardians agree to follow the Feedback, Complaints and Grievances Process outlined below:


At Paisley Park, we pride ourselves on developing positive and collaborative relationships with families and the broader community. We acknowledge that concerns, issues, or grievances may arise, which will require intervention and resolution. We urge families to refer to our policies and procedures to manage grievances, ensuring a more conducive and positive outcome occurs. It is a condition of enrolment that families use our policies and procedures to guide their actions and decision making when raising any concerns about their child’s Education and Care.

Feedback, Complaints and Grievances Process

Step 1

Parents/Guardians are encouraged to approach the Centre Director to discuss their concern. This may take place in person, via telephone or email. In the event the concern is not able to be managed at Centre level, it can be escalated to the Portfolio Leader as documented in Step 2.

Step 2

Parents/Guardians are encouraged to contact the Portfolio Leader, (state specific, mobile is displayed on the Feedback, Complaints and Grievances Process display in the foyer of your Centre) to discuss the nature of the concern in the event the issue was not resolved at Centre level. In the event the concern cannot be rectified by the Portfolio Leader parents/guardians may wish to contact the General Manager in Step 3.

Step 3

Parents/Guardians are encouraged to contact the General Manager, Kat (0419 498 896) to discuss the nature of the concern in the event the issue was not resolved by the Portfolio Leader. In the event the concern cannot be rectified by Kat parents/guardians may wish to contact the Approved Provider as directed in Step 4.

Step 4

Contact the Approved Provider, Peter (0419 484 198 or see below) if your complaint or issue/concern has still not been resolved. In the event the concern cannot be rectified by Peter parents/guardians may wish to contact the Regulatory Authority as documented in Step 5.


PO Box 7007, Baulkham Hills NSW 2153

A written response or telephone call will be returned to you by the Approved Provider and/or delegate.

Step 5

Contacting the Regulatory Authority is considered a last option in the event the issue remains unresolved. Parents/guardians are encouraged to work through the steps listed in the above grievance process to ensure that open lines of communication are maintained, and respectful relationships continue to flourish as a resolution is sought.

NOTE: This is state and Centre specific – please see the Feedback, Complaints and Grievances Process display in the foyer of your Centre.

Parent Communication

Enrolling parents/guardians give permission for Paisley Park to:

  • Communicate with them using a variety of methods including SMS, email and Paisley Park’s online Parent app / portal (if available for their Centre)
  • Send surveys related to the services/products that the Centre provides

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