Here we share an activity you can do together as a family. It’s a fun way to explore identity, beliefs and values and you might even learn something new about each other!
If you have access to a printer you can set this template up on the computer or otherwise you can just write one up for each member of the family.
In the centre of the sheet you want a shape that represents the person – it could be a simple smiley face or perhaps a stick figure – it doesn’t need to be an artwork. Within or below that shape put: “My Name Is __________”
Then around the shape you will create a ‘mind map’ with space to fill in the blanks under the following headings…
“What I love most about [insert name]:”
“[insert name] is the best at:”
“I like it when “[insert name]:”
“My favourite things to do are:”
“I am good at:”
“I feel the best when:”
Once you have a template for each family member, fill in their name in the four blank spaces for ‘name’ – where you see ‘Joe’ in the example.
You then fold each sheet in half down the middle of the stick figure so that the Left Hand Side questions are on the front and the Right Had Side Questions are on the back.
Give the templates out to each family member and have them fill their own sheet first with the things they like, are good at and make them feel best.
Each person then turns their sheet over and passes to the right. Each person then fills out the ‘left hand side’ questions for the family member that passed them the sheet.
This is repeated with the sheets passed to the right until everyone has filled their answers for each family member and everyone gets their own sheet back. It’s then time to share, discuss and ask questions.
1. If you have young family members who can’t write yet they can tell you what they want to say and you can write for them (they might like to go in another room to keep it ‘secret’).
2. If teasing is part of the family dynamic perhaps lay some ground rules before starting.
We hope this article provides a fun idea for enhancing your child’s sense of identity!
Every child deserves the best start in life. Get in touch today!
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